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Setup Rider App

Configure Rider App#

Open app-source-code folder, It's look like this.

app folder

UnZip/Extract Rider App#

Extract, After Extract it's look like this.

rider folder

Install Require Package#

Install Dependicies
yarn install

Rename Project#

Change Package Name or App Name.

Install Globally React Native Rename.#

Using Yarn
yarn global add react-native-rename
Using NPM
npm install react-native-rename -g

Then you can rename like this.

npx react-native-rename <newName>

Change App Icon#

Generate Icon App using & Extract it.

For Android App
Copy all folder indside of `android` & paste in `/android/app/src/main/res/`
For IOS App
Copy all folder indside of `Assets.xcassets` & paste in `/ios/TrippyTaxi/Images.xcassets/`

Update Firebase Configation#

  • Download google-services.json from your firebase console and place to /android/app.
  • Download GoogleService-Info.plist from your firebase console and place to /ios.
  • Update Your firebase configation according your google-services.json.


export const FIREBASE_CONFIG = {
projectId: "your_project_id",
appId: "Your Android App ID",
apiKey: "Your Firebase API Key",
messagingSenderId: "messagingsenderID",
storageBucket: "",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",

If you got any trouble in firebase Configation, See firebase Configation guide here and here

Update Google Map API#

In the Android#

  • update Your Google Map API Key find on line no. 3 like this.


<string name="GoogleMapKey">Your Google Map API Key</string>

In the IOS#

  • update Your Google Map API Key find on line no. 32 like this.


[GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"Your Google Map API Key"];

In the Javascript#

  • Update 'Your Google Map API Key'.
  • Update Default App Location, you can find your latitude and longitude here.


export const GOOGLE_MAP_KEY = "Your Google Map API Key";
export const DEFAULT_LOCATION = {
latitude: 25.1743338,
longitude: 75.8400107,

If you got any trouble in google maps, See Google Maps installation guide here

Change Api Url#

  • Update '' to Your Backend api folder url like find on line no. 28 like this.

    api url

export const API_URL = "";

Update S3 Details#

  • Update Your s3 configation according your Amazon S3 Bucket Details.

s3 details

export const S3_DETAILS = {
acl: "public-read",
keyPrefix: "profile/",
bucket: "Your Bucket Name",
region: "Your AWS Region",
accessKey: "Your AWS AccessKey",
secretKey: "Your AWS SecretKey",
successActionStatus: 201,

This is optional step.

Thanks for Reading, If you have any query feel free to contact us.#