Folder Structure
Extract apps/**.zip
and open the folder.
In this folder you can see the structure.
both apps have similar way of the installation.
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── __tests__
│  └── App-test.tsx
├── android
│  ├── app
│  │  ├── _BUCK
│  │  ├── build.gradle
│  │  ├── build_defs.bzl
│  │  ├── debug.keystore
│  │  ├──
│  │  └── src
│  ├── build.gradle
│  ├── gradle
│  │  └── wrapper
│  ├──
│  ├── gradlew
│  ├── gradlew.bat
│  ├──
│  └── settings.gradle
├── app.json
├── assetsTransformer.js
├── index.js
├── jest.config.js
├── jest.setup.js
├── metro.config.js
├── package.json
├── patches
│  ├── react-native-floating-bubble+1.0.7.patch
│  └── react-native-maps-directions+1.8.0.patch
├── react-native.config.js
├── src
│  ├── assets
│  │  ├── icons
│  │  ├── images
│  │  ├── index.ts
│  │  └── video
│  ├── components
│  │  ├── Announcement
│  │  ├── Block
│  │  ├── Button
│  │  ├── Card
│  │  ├── ConditionalFragment
│  │  ├── Container
│  │  ├── ErrorPlaceholder
│  │  ├── ImageContainer
│  │  ├── Inline
│  │  ├── Input
│  │  ├── Link
│  │  ├── Loader
│  │  ├── Map
│  │  ├── Picker
│  │  ├── PlacesAutoComplete
│  │  ├── Typography
│  │  └── index.ts
│  ├── config
│  │  ├── api.config.ts
│  │  ├── config.ts
│  │  ├── index.ts
│  │  ├── map.config.ts
│  │  ├── placeholder.config.ts
│  │  └── theme.config.ts
│  ├── context
│  │  ├── index.tsx
│  │  ├── location.context.tsx
│  │  ├── network.context.tsx
│  │  └── theme.context.tsx
│  ├── helpers
│  │  ├── appsetting.helper.ts
│  │  ├── array.helper.ts
│  │  ├── index.ts
│  │  ├── number.helper.ts
│  │  ├── space.helper.ts
│  │  ├── string.helper.ts
│  │  ├── time.helper.ts
│  │  └── validate.helpers.ts
│  ├── hooks
│  │  ├── index.ts
│  │  ├── useForm.ts
│  │  ├── useInterval.ts
│  │  ├── useMountEffect.ts
│  │  ├── useNotification.ts
│  │  ├── usePostRequest.ts
│  │  ├── useRequest.ts
│  │  ├── useSmartState.ts
│  │  ├── useStorage.ts
│  │  └── useTimeout.ts
│  ├── index.tsx
│  ├── routes
│  │  ├── AuthStackContainer.tsx
│  │  ├── MapStackContainer.tsx
│  │  ├── NativeStackContainer.tsx
│  │  ├── NavigationContainer.tsx
│  │  └── index.tsx
│  ├── screens
│  │  ├── Account
│  │  ├── Auth
│  │  ├── Card
│  │  ├── Category
│  │  ├── ChooseOnMap
│  │  ├── Document
│  │  ├── Edit
│  │  ├── Families
│  │  ├── Fare
│  │  ├── Fuel
│  │  ├── Home
│  │  ├── ImageUpload
│  │  ├── LocationSelector
│  │  ├── Map
│  │  ├── Money
│  │  ├── Notification
│  │  ├── OrderDetail
│  │  ├── Orders
│  │  ├── Permission
│  │  ├── PlaceSelector
│  │  ├── Profile
│  │  ├── ReferUsers
│  │  ├── SendMoney
│  │  ├── Splash
│  │  ├── ThanksScreen
│  │  ├── Tips
│  │  ├── Wallet
│  │  ├── WebView
│  │  ├── Withdraw
│  │  └── index.ts
│  ├── services
│  │  ├── api
│  │  ├── bubble.ts
│  │  ├── index.ts
│  │  └── notification
│  ├── styles
│  │  ├── colors.ts
│  │  ├── image.ts
│  │  └── index.ts
│  └── utilities
│  ├── index.ts
│  ├── location.ts
│  ├── log.ts
│  ├── permissions.ts
│  ├── toast.ts
│  └── types
├── tsconfig.json
├── wdyr.js
└── yarn.lock