App Configure
Install Dependancies
- Open
Terminal app
orAny other command line tool
and - Type this command then hit
yarn install
After installing all dependancies, you're good to go.
Rename Project
Change Package Name or App Name.
Install Globally React Native Rename.
yarn global add react-native-rename
npm install react-native-rename -g
Then you can rename like this.
npx react-native-rename <newName>
Change App Icon
Generate Icon App using & place on /android/app/src/main/res/
Configure GraphQL
- Open
, paste your site url. eg.
export const graphqlUrl = '';
Color Scheme
You can change the app colors & background as you like. You need to open
, then update thecolor scheme
in bothlight & dark mode
You can use
Predefined colors
or add manually colors like#ff0062
export const theme: themeSchemeType = {light: {white: colors.white,black:,dark: colors.gray600,danger: colors.red500,light: colors.blue100,accent: colors.pink500,warn: colors.yellow500,border: colors.gray500,bgdark: colors.gray800,shadow: colors.gray400,primary: colors.blue300,bglight: colors.gray100,success: colors.green500,secondary: colors.purple500,transparent: colors.transparent,},dark: {white: colors.white,black:,dark: colors.gray800,danger: colors.red500,light: colors.blue100,accent: colors.pink500,warn: colors.yellow500,bgdark: colors.gray700,shadow: colors.gray900,border: colors.gray600,primary: colors.blue500,bglight: colors.gray100,success: colors.green500,secondary: colors.purple500,transparent: colors.transparent,},...};
You can change the app typography as you like. If you changing font family then aftr place
files to/src/assets/fonts
, Run this command.
npx react-native link
You need to open
, then update thetypography
export const theme: themeSchemeType = {...typography: {p: 18,lg: 48,md: 16,sm: 10,h1: 36,h2: 24,h3: 22,h4: 20,helper: 14,ParaFontFamily: 'Asap-Bold',HeadingFontFamily: 'Asap-Bold',},...};
Spacing & Border Radius
You can change the app spaing & border radius as you like. You need to open
, then update thespaing & border radius
export const theme: themeSchemeType = {...radius: {sm: 8,md: 12,lg: 18,xl: 24,xxl: 48,},space: {sm: '2%',md: '5%',lg: '10%',xl: '15%',xxl: '25%',},...};
Example Code
After All done, you can see the code like this